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* shan42

* shan42 29 M

* Groups Joined:

Star FaLLeN-RoSeS join
Attention KINGS n QUEENS.. (,''('',) This Lonely Beautiful Garden of FALLEN ROSES welcumz U by Sprinkling Cute Rose PeTalz on U- Join this Magical World of 4900+Friendz/ 9400+FREE Files/ 1700+topicz n so on! GROUP UPDATED regularly. Enjoy wid Frndz here:)
~*Group Updated Every Hour*~ ....Unlimited Files are available for Downloading.... ~All types of Topicz are discussed here.....~.*~JOIN NOW n ROCK d GROUP~*. Cheerzzzzz....

Star Lover join
This group is for singles that want a relationship.
This is for single ppl that want relationships with a lovin partner. Hope u enjoy.

Star kenyadates join
all new dating group both white and black personals in kenya
The best dating group in Kenya. Sugarmummies, sugar daddies,one night stands, datingetc. Both black and whitepersonals right here inKenya.

Star Yummymummies join

Plz note this is a group for yummy mummys only no men every mummy is yummy in thier own way so plz feel free to join I have also added a yummy mummies chat plz feel free to enter

4m time to time, at different places, I've interacted and still interacting with people. 4m varied backgrounds. Dis Site is meant 2 pinpoint many misconceptions in ISLAM in minds of Non-Muslims.
As-Salam Wa Alaikum Wa Rehmatullahi Wa Barkatahu! May ALLAH SUBHANA WA TA'ALA forgive our sins and the sins of all the HOLY PROPHETS [PBUH], AMEEN. The main aim for starting this Group is to remove the misconceptions on ISLAM that lie in the hearts and minds of the umpteen Non - Muslims. Join my group to discuss, debate or share any knowledge that would want to share with all.

Star FindaToyBoy join
where u will find ur Toy boy
Please join if u are an older woman seeking a toy boy,and if u are a toy boy seeking a sugar mom,im seeking too! 22

Star whatisislam join
first of all thanks and praise toAllah for enabling me to write about islam. before telling any thing about islam I would like to tell you about our existance and our purpose of our existance. The creator and lord created every thing and created humans . he sent humans on planet and also sent prophets for their guideance .he sent books of instractions for humans through angels over his prophets .so that on the day of judgement he could account for humans for their deeds.We muslims believe and ...

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