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* kremlind

* kremlind

* Groups Joined:

Star Prodigits join
Prodigits members, discuss about Prodigits here
Suggest a new feature, report problems, announce new relationships you've made through Prodigits :)

Star ScienceDiscussion join
A private group.Only for people believed to be trustworthy.Don't waste your time clicking on the red button above
Discuss science-related topics.You may learn quite a lot of things that will let you know what may have happened in our uncontrolled universe.This group has some external links and articles explaining some terms in more detail.So I recommend you view this group via opera mobile software or opera computer software from or Welcome!I'm back..with lots more info.

Star SearchtheTrUeOnE join
This wapgroup deals and discuss about diffrent religions. like Islam . christianity . jews . hinduism . jainism . sikhism . buddhism . Atheist . agnosticism . zoroastrians . freemasons . science religion. vagetarianism..etc. and display you the RIGH ONE.

Star ScientistClub join
Chemistry, Biology, PHYSIC: electronics, wireless, internet...everything in science and mathematics. WE ARE THE WORLD
this group allows you to discuss your difficult topics, ask questions and solve questions under science and maths

Star Generalscience join
Wana learn
Knw mo about science,ask questions on any topic.UR REPLY WIL COM IN LESS THAN 10minutes

Star Current-affairs join
Discuss current issues of the world
Discuss current issues of the world, in any field such as politics, sport, science, movies- bollywood - hollywood, space, multimedia n other hot topics. Also put ur question which i would like to answer.

Star Genetics-Biotech join
Welcome to the world of life science.
This group is open for all who want to know and discuss about genetics,biotechnology,molecular biology,genetic engeneering etc.

Star ScienceWorld join
Deals science matters
The group is made up of the sciencemaniac pple-

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