midzwv2 @ MobiGroups

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midzwv2's Groups
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* midzwv2's Groups (Joined):

Star s*xylisa69
pic of me x

Star Jessicas

Star puretotti
Pix of moi :o)

Star meeandstuff
just me

Star yummy

Star Hotpeople

Star paula
new pix

Star Leannex x x

Star m-a-r-i-espic

if ur cool, young and happy wid ur life u can join but if not jog-on :P this group is for crazy, loving people who is just too cool and awsome for the other groups then this is the one for you?! add anything random and will talk about it!..see you there
if you up load to my group then i will upload to yours, but if people dont start doing something for the group then i might start deleting some people?.......

Star sugaxlustxkisses
all about me

Star letmebeurfantasy
My photos and s**t x

Star jesticles
ths group was made 4 ma grl =)
Blah blah blah blah ratta tat tat mooloo wooloo an elephant sat on u. Bee bah bah loo wow a wop bam boo tutti frutti oh rudey

Star sxbabe3

Star whocares

< >

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