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imageFind A Group > Your City/Region > Middle East & North Africa

Star Iranian
For Iranian People
This Group Is For Iranian Lives In Iran And Around The World.

Star Israel
Israelis join here :)
The place for israelis, jewish people and anyone else whos intrested so join Israel! :)

Star Mazandaran

Ye patoq va3 baxe mazandarani!

Star Egypta
direct chat
chat via S.M.S

Star Egypt-Trip
Post your comment about your trip to Egypt
This is your free text zone, all can speak about their experience in the trip to Egypt.

Star Shiraz

Star EGYPTomeldonia
this group 4 all egyptions & any one luvs EGYPT all over the world
this group 4 all egyptions & any one luvs EGYPT all over the world

Star basiji
soldiers of imam khameneyi
ta vaghti basiji hast be rahbar gazandi nemirese

Star TehraN
SalaM & WelcomE @ +TEHRAN CITY+
aS~salamU~alaiquM u r alL welcomE @ TEHRAN CITY hmM i dnT pressurE U 4 joiN herE, . . .buT i offeR U 2 joiN herE iF u lovE uR owN CITY or HOMELAND or MOTHERLAND. iraN iS thE besT , latesT & stronG MUSLIM countrY alL oveR thE worlD. sO wE neeD 2 takE promisE thaT wE musT protecT [(IRAN--TEHRAN)] froM --+ M O S S A D +-- dO u knoW hW kinD oF dangerouS theY ARE ?

Star AlQ8
Sharkoona w 36oona raykom
Itha ma shaletkom aldinya nsheelkom 3la roosna, algroup mix 7g alshaba


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